September 15, 2024
Wealth Management

From AI to Wealth Management: The Themes of FinovateFall 2024

What themes will dominate the conversation at FinovateFall next month in New York (September 9-11)?

Many of the popular themes in recent years still endure. The customer is still king. Data and personalization matter. And payments, in the words of one clever panelist many Finovates ago, continues to be the “gift that keeps on giving.”

But in some ways these issues have been, if not eclipsed, then perhaps subsumed by enabling technologies like AI, machine learning, and what I call “Automation 2.0” – the leveraging of AI technology to automate a growing range of business operations and manual tasks.

These technologies have brought new energy to sectors such as lending and payments. They have raised the stakes on what it means to provide truly personalized financial services. And when it comes to the customer, these enabling technologies promise new and exciting ways to engage them and deliver digital experiences that would have been hard to imagine even a few years ago.

In fact, I’d argue that some of the themes we see in the word cloud above, such as “compliance,” “security,” and “fraud,” are more prominent than before not simply because of the growing impact of financial crime or fresh concerns over regulatory priorities, but also because of the way that enabling technologies such as AI, machine learning, and automation have given fraud fighters and compliance teams new tools to keep consumers safe and company operations compliant.

If these themes resonate with you, then remember that at Finovate, what you see is what you get. Each of these themes has at least one, if not two or three, innovative companies who will be demoing their response to these challenges and opportunities live on stage next month at FinovateFall in New York. Check out our Finovate Sneak Peek series, as well as our evolving FinovateFall agenda, to learn more.

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