September 13, 2024

Volusia County Schools requests grant to fund elementary music


Volusia County Schools has submitted a grant request for $254,250 for elementary music programs. The goal, according to the request, is “To implement and support comprehensive music education programs for students in kindergarten through second grade.”

The grant, if approved, will provide a variety of things for young learners, such as contracting teachers for specific instrument tutoring, travel to conferences and performance events, and repairs to music equipment. Additional items listed are: “Music consumable materials and supplies such as sets, props, recorders, and class consumable books. Sound and lighting systems, percussion instruments, piano and keyboard instruments, ocean wave projection, iPad, iPad cart.”

This funding request came as a breath of fresh air to enjoyers of the arts after recent cuts and changes in sizes to art programs. The cuts were made to established band and choir groups. For example, in June, Gov. Ron DeSantis cut $32 million from state funding for arts programs in Florida, including $192,812 in Volusia County.

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