February 16, 2025

Republicans understand irresponsibility of anti-energy policies | News, Sports, Jobs

We are glad that, during his recent visit to Williamsport, Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance took the time to address an issue that is both important to our region and to the nation.

U.S. Sen. Vance, R-Ohio, wants to see the development of natural gas, an energy source that creates jobs for our region’s families and revenues for projects in our region’s communities, get back into full gear.

The production of natural gas in the United States can also lessen the world’s dependence on fossil fuels from our adversaries — often produced with far fewer guardrails to protect the environment and public health and always with the risks that come from allowing dictatorships to enrich themselves.

We agree with the senator’s criticisms of Democratic efforts — efforts which thankfully have had limited success — to swear off conventional energy sources and mandate a reliance on renewable energy before that level of reliance is remotely practical.

We want, as we’ve acknowledged when addressing the need for energy independence before, to see the renewable energy sector thrive and to become a larger part of how we meet our energy needs.

But until technology — specifically affordable battery capacity — reaches a necessary point, vilifying conventional energy sources such as natural gas and oil is irresponsible. Until the economic climate fulfills certain conditions — specifically a resiliance in the face of “not-in-my-backyard” posturing that stymies solar and wind projects — turning our backs on oil and gas production is, again, irresponsible.

On energy independence, the Republican tickey has shown an understanding of the irresponsible nature of the mindset that only renewable energy can be our present and future. We appreciate that Senator Vance shared that understanding with his audience at Liberty Arena.

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