March 14, 2025

Sterling Community Fund event a big winner – Sterling Journal-Advocate

It was all about fun and games at the Sterling Community Fund’s “Game On!” event Saturday, Oct. 5.

The event, held in the Exhibit Center at the Logan County Fairgrounds, drew about 500 people and drew 51 paid sponsorships, according to John Chapdelaine of the Eastern Colorado Community Fund, which manages the Sterling Community Fund.

“I’m excited about the support the community has given us,” Chapdelaine said.

Guests received a $500 voucher in play money to be used at the casino games set up along the east side of the venue, and could purchase more if their luck ran out. Winnings from the games could be cashed in for chances at the prize basket of their choice. Dozens of baskets featured goods and services donated by local businesses, with each guest given a ticket upon entrance to put in the drawing for their favorite basket.

The casino games, which included craps, roulette and blackjack, were set up by Peetz native Ron Schumacher and his company, All-In Casino.

The evening also included live music, catering provided by The Grill at River City, a live auction and cash call, and cornhole games. Jordan Suter, who served as the emcee for the evening, also gave a performance of a song he composed using the poem “Home,” submitted by Merino student Kya Piel in response to the “Showcase Your Logan County Love” project.

The auction, conducted by John Korrey, featured eight items, many of which were one-of-a-kind; a large painting titled “American Cowboy, Clint” by local artist Nate Laybourn brought in the highest price at $5,000. The night also included the drawing for a reverse raffle for a side-by-side held by the Rotary Club of Sterling to benefit the Sterling Community Fund; Fred Crawford won the prize.

At the event, Suter noted the fund’s contributions so far to the community, including support for Heritage Park in downtown Sterling. He said the next project they plan to provide funding for is the city’s trail system that seeks to connect all of the schools in Sterling.

With the fundraiser netting around $175,000, Chapdelaine said the fund balance is now at $3.2 million. As an endowment fund under the Community Foundation of Northern Colorado umbrella, the board can spend up to 4.5% each year on community projects. This ensures the fund will last and truly be a “forever fund,” he said.

Chapdelaine gave a special thanks to the event committee, who he said put a lot of time and energy into planning the night. Serving with Chapdelaine on the committee were: Lindsey King, Joann Gilliland, Caitlin Baseggio, Jordan Suter, Cindy Horner and Cindy Hoal.

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