March 12, 2025

Iowa: National hub for food and energy?

The 10-acre Alliant Energy Solar Farm at Iowa State University has a maximum energy output of 1.35 megawatts — enough to power around 200 homes at full capacity. Crops and pollinator mixes will be planted beneath to create the first utility-scale agrivoltaics project in the Midwest. (Provided by Alliant Energy)
The 10-acre Alliant Energy Solar Farm at Iowa State University has a maximum energy output of 1.35 megawatts — enough to power around 200 homes at full capacity. Crops and pollinator mixes will be planted beneath to create the first utility-scale agrivoltaics project in the Midwest. (Provided by Alliant Energy)

Imagine growing lettuce outdoors in Iowa in August. That sight amazed me when I visited Jack’s Solar Garden in Colorado on a 90-degree summer day.

On site were researchers from Colorado State and Arizona, experimenting and documenting how agricultural land can be used to produce renewable energy and grow food at the same time on the same land, under the solar panels. In Iowa. Alliant Energy and Iowa State University are partnering on similar research.

This vision can become a reality for Iowa if state and local governments get it right: Create policies and ordinances that support such harmonious development. Many counties are having these conversations now.

At the recent national summit of the National Conference of State Legislatures, I offered the following language to be added to the group’s “National Agriculture Directive”:

“NCSL encourages Congress and relevant federal agencies to work with states to accelerate research, create innovative policies and offer incentive programs to advance the development and deployment of agrivoltaics or “agrisolar” technology and practices to foster the production of both food and energy on agricultural lands.

Such research, policy and incentives should focus on outcomes that enhance profitability for growers, create meaningful opportunities for beginning farmers, promote food security in domestic markets, strengthen public health, assist in the transition to a renewable energy economy, protect lands vulnerable to soil and water degradation, and reinforce the critical roles of state and local governments.”

The amendment was approved. Meanwhile — in my backyard — the Dubuque County Board of Supervisors is reviewing recommendations from its Zoning Commission that could hinder these outcomes.

The proposed renewable energy siting ordinance and ag land “overlay district” — with a stated purpose to “promote the effective and efficient use” of renewable energy systems — may do the opposite. It defines any solar array producing power for off-site use as “utility-scale,” no matter how small or who owns it. To “minimize visual impacts,” (a vague standard), it requires quarter-mile setbacks from roads and property lines. This renders many potential projects infeasible. Whole areas of the county are put off-limits if parts of their watershed contain karst formations, steep slopes or erodible soils,

As a result, many landowners could lose out on revenue to bring stability to their farm incomes. The potential for affordable land access for smaller-scale food farmers would be stifled. “Community solar” projects, which allow people to band together to generate electricity for themselves when it is too costly or impractical to do so on property they own, could be stymied.

Solar energy is the cheapest form of electricity. An acre of solar produces 50 times more energy than an acre of corn for ethanol, according to Chris Jones, retired research engineer for the University of Iowa.

But opposition to clean energy led by the fossil fuel industry resulted in a 73% increase in restrictions on wind and solar projects in 2023, mostly by cities and counties, according to a Columbia University report.

Meanwhile, surveys by Pew Research Center find that 67% of Americans support renewable energy. An independent study by Michigan Tech researchers in 2022 found that “ 81.8% of respondents would be more likely to support solar development in their community if it integrated agricultural production.”

I have worked on energy and agriculture policy in Iowa with numerous nonprofit organizations, community stakeholders, academic researchers and “people in the business.” Groups like the Iowa Environmental Council have broad and deep experience on energy issues. None seem to have been invited to participate in drafting or reviewing Dubuque County’s proposed ordinances.

Where these issues are playing out, I encourage county supervisors to postpone acting on such recommendations until they can engage in broad public consultation with experts who can help us make the best decisions possible. Those decisions should make space for a future that involves producing both food and energy on farmland, in Dubuque County and across Iowa.

State Rep. Chuck Isenhart of Dubuque is a member of the Agriculture Committee and Economic Growth/Technology Committee in the Iowa House and represents Iowa on the Natural Resources, Environment and Energy Committee of the National Conference of State Legislatures.

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