March 14, 2025

Central Police Department unveils new technology in attempt to stop drivers from speeding

CENTRAL, La. (BRPROUD) — The Central Police Department is unveiling new technology as they attempt to combat a big issue in the city, speeding. 

“It’s a big thing here. We’re, we’re actually radaring people in excess of 20 and 30 miles an hour over the speed limit, sometimes more,” said Roger Corcoran, Chief of Police at Central Police Department.

Corcoran says speeding had led to several car crashes in the area.

“We have a lot of through traffic and we have the big gravel trucks that come through here and construction and everything like that,” Corcoran said. 

Through grant funding, Corcoran said the police department has purchased new radars and lidars in hopes to tackle the issue of speeding. 

“The regular radars in a vehicle are from, like radio control, they are on a radio frequency. The lidars are on a light frequency,” Corcoran said. “It’s safer for the officers using the lidar or if they’re just out sitting, stationary running radar.”

He also said lidars measure the distance of the vehicle from the lidar gadget, aside of telling officers accurate speeds. For those driving in Central, Corcoran sends out a message before you hit the gas pedal. 

“Slow down. You come through Central speeding. We’re going to give you that ticket,” said Corcoran. “And those tickets are expensive. It affects you. Not only you, it affects your insurance and everyone else’s insurance.”

As of right now, officers are working on attending a course that is needed to use the equipment. Corcoran said most officers are already certified to use both speed enforcement devices.

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