BURR RIDGE, IL – Unhappy with your property tax bill? Don’t blame the village of Burr Ridge.
Last year, the village made up 1.9 percent of the bill. That number varies slightly depending on which elementary school district a house is in.
Burr Ridge’s percentage is lower than Darien’s 3.6 percent. The two towns are similar. Neither runs a park system, library or fire department. Those functions are handled by separate government bodies.
In both Burr Ridge and Darien, schools make up 70 percent of the property tax bill, which is similar to towns throughout the state.
Towns have advantages that other taxing bodies don’t. They have multiple income sources – sales taxes, gas taxes and income taxes, among others.
On Monday, the Burr Ridge Village Board approved the estimated property tax levy for next year. The village plans to seek $1.4 million from property taxpayers next year. That is about $30,000 more than previously.
“The levy is going up a little bit to capture new growth,” Annmarie Mampe, the village’s finance consultant, told the board. “Because of the new growth, our (tax base) is increasing. The tax rate is going slightly down.”