I have cats and vote for kids
An open letter to JD Vance: My husband and I came to Ohio after he was discharged from the service so he could go to school here. The GI Bill paid his tuition, but not books and supplies.
I worked as a Medical Assistant to support us. Once he graduated, we tried to start a family. We were unable; it was the greatest tragedy of my life.
I am 78 now and for my whole life I have voted “yes” for every school levy, contributed to every school drive and paid a significant portion of my property tax to fund Columbus schools.
Vance thinks my vote should count less. JD Vance thinks my vote should count less. He should listen to Jennifer Aniston.
That’s aside from my other volunteer work.
I do contribute (without drawing on the school system ever.)
And, yes, I do have cats.
Joanne Claire-Mayer, Columbus
Ginther’s 12 degrees of Kevin Bacon
Re “Columbus Mayor says ransomware attackers stole corrupted, unusable data” Aug. 13: Mayor Andrew Ginther’s assurance that the data stolen from the City of Columbus is “unusable, encrypted or corrupted” reminds me of the scene from the movie “Animal House” when Kevin Bacon’s character, Chip Diller, exclaims, “remain calm, all is well.”
William Kloss, Dublin

Tim Walz did not lie about his service
I’m responding to Melvin Deere’s August 13 letter, “Can Tim Walz really be trusted?” Tim Walz served 24 years in the National Guard service; he was a command sergeant major, and because of course work not completed, qualified at retirement for a master sergeant’s pay grade.
I know an active duty Marine NCO in the same situation now.
In 1972, I served as officer in charge of a combat engineering team, SAC, Loring AFB, Maine. On occasion I carried an M-16, a weapon of war during a war. And, there was a war. In my case, Vietnam; in Gov. Walz’s case Iraq and Afghanistan.
Neither the governor nor I served in an active combat zone which is true for most military personnel. However, Walz and I did support the mission and were ready to be deployed into active combat.
Can Walz be trusted to do same? Donald Trump upheld peace, prosperity and security.
Walz served honorably in the military, in Congress, and as governor of Minnesota. So, yes, Mr. Deere, Walz reported his service accurately and will bring the same honesty to the office of vice president.
However, I cannot trust Donald Trump, who, the Washington Post reported, made 30,573 “false or misleading” claims during his four years as president.
Jim Getz, Columbus
Where in the world is Portman?
Day after day we hear and read Donald Trump’s latest nonsensically bizarre, and let’s call them what they are, misogynistic, racist, screeds.
Each one seems more frightening and dangerous than those of the day before. It is a frustrating exercise to search for prominent Ohio Republicans who are willing to step forward and condemn this hateful discourse. Even those who no longer hold office apparently lack the courage to step forward.
The silence of one leader who once garnered much respect is particularly disappointing. Where are you former Senator Rob Portman? The Constitution you took an oath to defend is at risk and the voters you once represented need to hear from you — now.
Stephen Gladstone, Cleveland
This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: Dear JD Vance: I am a childless cat lady. I contribute without taking.