REAP’s maximum benefit more than doubles; CPS Energy provides an additional $6 million towards the program.
August 26, 2024 (SAN ANTONIO) — The Board of the Residential Energy Assistance Partnership (REAP) voted unanimously to approve the expansion of the assistance program to offer more support to a greater number of CPS Energy customers to cover their bills. The REAP maximum benefit for Bexar County residents outside San Antonio will increase from $400 to up to $1,200. Additionally, the income qualification criteria for the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) will change from 125% to 150%. This revised income qualifier will enable more customers to qualify and aligns with the change in qualifying FPL criteria made to CPS Energy’s Affordability Discount Program (ADP) earlier this year.
As part of this expansion and to increase the operation of the program, the utility will make a one-time $6 million contribution from the utility’s summer 2023 wholesale revenues.
The expansion was voted on during a special board meeting held on August 14, 2024. Bexar County and CPS Energy staff worked collaboratively to present the approved proposal to REAP board members which includes REAP Board President, Bexar County Judge Peter Sakai, President & CEO Rudy D. Garza who serves as REAP’s vice president and City of San Antonio (CoSA) Mayor Ron Nirenberg who serves as secretary/treasurer.
“Bexar County proposed changes to expand access to utility assistance. I want to thank CPS Energy and the City of San Antonio for collaborating to make this happen. We will work to ensure our most vulnerable neighbors take advantage of this program,” said Bexar County Judge and REAP’s Board President Peter Sakai.
“As part of Vision 2027, CPS Energy’s strategic plan, we are committed to supporting our community and being a good partner. By increasing support of REAP, in partnership with the City and the County, we are providing additional resources to those most in need,” said Rudy D. Garza.
“The expansion strengthens our community’s safety net by ensuring that more CPS Energy customers have access to assistance with their utility bills,” said Mayor Ron Nirenberg. “REAP helps customers in unstable economic situations make ends meet, easing financial pressures and reducing the risk of crisis. These clearly merited changes will boost the entire community.”
REAP is a non-profit established in 2002 through a partnership between CPS Energy, the City of San Antonio, and Bexar County. CPS Energy contributes $1 million annually directly to the REAP fund and works throughout the year to raise additional funds for the program. CPS Energy handles the program’s marketing, fundraising, and back-office administrative requirements. The City of San Antonio and Bexar County manage the application process. This program is one of CPS Energy’s commitments to provide help to pay energy bills for customers who qualify for assistance. Through REAP, qualified customers receive a credit on their CPS Energy bill and receive information about weatherization, low-cost to no-cost energy efficiency programs, senior citizen aid, and critical care assistance.
For more information about REAP and how to apply, visit here.
About CPS Energy
Established in 1860, CPS Energy is the nation’s largest public power, natural gas, and electric company, providing safe, reliable, and competitively priced service to more than 930,114 electric and 381,379 natural gas customers in San Antonio and portions of seven adjoining counties. Our customers’ combined energy bills rank among the lowest of the nation’s 20 largest cities – while generating $9 billion in revenue for the City of San Antonio for 80 years. As a trusted and strong community partner, we continuously focus on job creation, economic development, and educational investment. We are powered by our skilled workforce, whose commitment to the community is demonstrated through our employees’ volunteerism in giving back to our city and programs aimed at bringing value to our customers. CPS Energy is among the top public power wind energy buyers in the nation and number one in Texas for solar generation.