March 14, 2025

Select Board to hear updates on 12 North Main St., opt-in energy code Tuesday

WESTFORD — The Select Board is scheduled to meet on Tuesday night – here’s what to expect. 

Residents may participate by attending the meeting in person at the second floor conference room in Town Hall, 55 Main St. at 7 p.m. Residents may also participate remotely via Zoom.

Residents who wish to tune in may watch the meeting on YouTube, Comcast channel 9, Verizon channel 34 or via Castus.

The meeting may also be accessed via WestfordCAT’s app, which can be downloaded from the App Store, Google Play Store and Roku.

Tuesday’s agenda can be found here. Tuesdays packet can be found here.

Update from Nobis on 12 North Main St. Cleanup

The Select Board will hear an update regarding the 12 North Main St. cleanup project from Jeffrey Brunelle, the company’s director of project development.

Nobis was recently contracted by the board to conduct land surveillance at the dilapidated property for $14,900 in American Rescue Plan Act funds.

The town has already received $500,000 from the Environmental Protection Agency and $250,000 in a state Brownfields Grant to remediate the property.

Opt-In Specialized Stretch Energy Code

The specialized stretch code allows municipalities to mandate new construction meet certain sustainability requirements, on top of the existing stretch code that the town adopted at Special Town Meeting on Oct. 21. The Select Board voted unanimously to place the new requirements on a future warrant in January.

Voters adopted an opt-in Stretch Code at a 2013 Special Town Meeting.

45 communities have adopted the opt-in code, which would require pre-wiring for electrification in new buildings with fossil fuel and installments of some onsite solar energy for new buildings using fossil fuels among other requirements.

The proposal would not impact renovations or construction on preexisting homes.

This “greener” option could ensure that new construction is compliant with the town’s net-zero-by-2050 framework adopted in 2020.

Other items of note

The board will discuss two American Rescue Plan Act projects, including:

  • $13,796 for a Polaris ATV requested by the Fire Department.
  • Up to $28,000 for Special Town Meeting expenses requested by the Town Manager’s office. Funding will not exceed $28,000, according to the board’s agenda.

The board will discuss progress on its Board and Committee appointment policy.

A note from the editor: My aim is to incorporate more notice regarding public meetings, including previews of what is planned for discussion for some of the town’s boards. If you like this format, please let us know at 

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