HARRISONBURG, Va. (WHSV) – Health Community Health Centers wrapped up National Health Centers Week with a Children’s Health Day event.
The event provided free school supplies, health checkups, bike helmets and coupons to local businesses. Interim Executive Director of HCHC Natalie Bass said this week is all about helping the community, with the help of others in the community.
”The biggest thing really is just remembering that it takes all of us, whether we are a healthcare provider, a first responder, a supporting agency [or] a homeless shelter. It takes all of us to promote health, wellness and safety in our community. None of us can do it alone,” Bass said. “This is a really busy week for our team, because we do lots of events. This is at the end of it, but everybody still comes in energized, because I think this is their favorite part of the week. It really is a fun way to celebrate our community, help our kids prepare for school, teach them, engage with them and help the community know who we are.”
Bass said she and the rest of HCHC want everyone in the community to have the health care they need, and looks forward to hosting the event in the future.
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